Pardue Mania

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Our Little Firecracker on the 4th of July...

NO FEAR! You cannot keep this boy away from anything dangerous! He loves to jump off the diving board. 1 1/2 years old and thinks he can take on the world!

Thanks to our gang...Mikaela, Jacob, Tara, and Grant...we had a great show!

Grant gives up his curls...

Sadly Grant was 1 1/2 years old when he got his first hair cut. We loved his curls...and knew they had to go.



Our wonderful neighbor, Teresa, gave him his first haircut. Thanks to her great kids, Breanna and Christian, we got the job done!

Bottom's Up

This is the annual Exeter Brewfest...and their official helper!

Hopefully Deputy Stephanie Southworth does not catch me!

A Strong Little Guy

Our sweet little boy endured his first surgery so well. He spent 3 days in the hospital and 2 of those days were on bed rest. We never thought he would manage a confined space for 2 days. He did great!

Once he was released from bed rest...he was back to our little fireball! Slam dunk!

No way was Grant going to let us baby him. He wanted to pull the wagon himself. This is the independent, strong-willed boy we know!

Holy Frijoles

"Oh those beans and cheese are soooo good!"

"Look Mom, they look good on me too!"

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Chick Magnet

He really is a chick magnet. Just look at that stance...hand in his pocket and chill.

Uncle Dan and Aunt Heidi surprised us today for Easter. It was so fun to have them here!

Start Your Engines...It is Race Day

"Chloe...that is my spot!"

Grant is so ready to race...

Thanks to Aunt Heidi...he thinks he is! We had to pry his hands away.

Desert Days

Dad's favorite riding buddy!

Grammie's favorite popcorn buddy!

These are the things Papa teaches Grant. Should we be nervous?

I think we are in for an interesting ride!

Let's Hit the Slopes

Grant and Aunt Heidi playing in the snow...I think I see a snowball coming!

We all had a great day snowshoeing. Grant even fell asleep in the backpack.

Here is the gang...Mark, Taryn, Addy, Gale, Mom, Dad, Grant, Heidi and Dan...and us of course.

This was our departing day...a true blizzard. Snow and winds up to 60mph. Crazy!

"Mom, Dad...I cannot hear you......"

We received these as a baby gift to help us cope with a screaming infant. Grant found he needed them more. I cannot image what the teenage years will be like...if he won't listen now!
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